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Sunrise Medical Quickie IRIS Manual Tilt-In-Place Wheelchair
The superior standard for rotation-in-space wheelchair technology
The ultimate tilt-in-space wheelchair, the Quickie IRIS® Manual Tilt Wheelchair features up to 55° of Intelligent Rotation in Space Technology, the broadest range of positioning and caregiver options, numerous adjustments, and it's one of the lightest tilt-in-space wheelchairs available today.
Power Tilt
The power tilt option gives the user more control over the position of their body in space and improves comfort by assisting with sitting tolerance. It provides more independence to participate in daily activities and to engage more with the world and others. Power tilt is available for the IRIS, IRIS Heavy Duty, and the SR45.
Attendant Control
Allows the caregiver to give control of the tilt function to the user. The battery gauge is displayed on the top of the control so you never have to guess when it's time to charge. Ability to conveniently hang the attendant control anywhere on the chair.
Toggle Switch
Can be mounted vertically or horizontally depending on needs. The charging port is conveniently located on the toggle switch for easy access.